Sunday, February 21, 2010

A new day

Today was the day that they discharged me from the hospital. Kind of hard knowing that I won't be just a walk away anymore. It started out with great news: his ultrasound results looked great! Not only did they not worsen, but the radiologists think it actually might have improved a little. They placed an NG tube (goes into his nose and straight to his stomach) in order to begin giving him very small amounts of breast milk. Tonight the plan is to begin warming him to normal temperature. They consistently kept him at 94 degrees because of his cardiac arrest. In order to protect the brain they do this. Warming him is kind of scary because as his temp rises, the more at risk for seizures he is. He moved his arms and legs quite a bit today. They think he is starting to feel a little better, so he is more active. However, they can't take the risk of him pulling out any tubes or lines so they had to increase his versed to calm him down. The nurses were great...they washed his hair today, gave him a HUSKER blanket, and felt bad for daddy so gave him a yellow hat and wrote an H on it for hawkeyes! Other than that we are just continuing to wait for further improvements.
We went forward with Bryson's birthday party today. We felt it wasn't fare to him if we postponed it. Besides, it gave our family a little break from the hospital and got our minds on something else. One things for sure, since this all started it definitely makes me appreciate Bryson so much more. There are certain things that you can't control, but the time you spend with your family should never be taken for granted.
Doug, Bryson, and I are staying at my parents tonight to be closer to the hospital. We will give an update tomorrow after the doctors do there rounds.

1 comment:

  1. Hope Bryson had a GREAT birthday party. It sounds like you have a great crew of nurses/doctors taking care of Brody. Know you are in our prayers and thoughts every single day. Keep strong, Brody is such a fighter. Love you all.
