Saturday, February 20, 2010

In God's Eyes

Brody stayed strong for most of the night. He went into SVT once around 4:30am and he was able to pull out of himself after about 30 minutes. This morning started with a follow up ultrasound to check the status of the blood that was confirmed yesterday. They wanted to monitor it so that it doesn't grow larger or go into the brain. Results show a trace increase in size of the blood spot. However, since the spot didn't grow very much they are allowing the current treatment to continue. Which is good news so that they do not have to take him off the ECMO (which is what is pumping his heart and lungs for him currently). Father Tom was here shortly after this and Brody Dean was baptised with some of his closest family around. We are in the 8th hour of him being in normal rhythm which is a new record. He is continueing to be strong and a fighter. All your thoughts and prayers are appreciated.


  1. Go Brody Go!!! You're a fighter....anybody that cute is!! Keep up the good work little man. We'll continue our work in praying for you. all.....

    Vicki Schmer's family
    Sue's groomer customer

  2. We are flooding God with our prayers for this little man. God Bless and keep up that strong fight Brody!

    We love you,
    Cassia & family

  3. Brody, you are such a strong little man! We are sure praying for you every day! We can't wait for you to get better so that we can meet you. You hang in there little guy!
    Bob, Alicia and Levi Wilson

  4. Love to see the pictures of the little guy and so glad that you got him baptized. How great is it that Father Tom married you guys, baptized Bryson, now Brody. We are praying for you guys every day. Love you.
