Saturday, February 27, 2010

Steady as We Go

Things have been going about the same. We are just waiting for him to gain strength and heal. We found out today that he has a collapsed lung. This might have happened when they took him off the vent. Theres not much they can do for that, so they are just keeping an eye on it. I have been staying all night at the hospital because he cries now, so I feel he needs me more. When he does cry I place my hand on his head and talk to him and he usually calms down (theres not much more I can do for him since he can't take a bottle). His BUN and Creatinine levels have came down alittle which is good (kidney function). The doctors are saying it's going to just take time for that to get better!They increased the amount of milk they are giving him, and hopefully will again tomorrow. Daddy's birthday is tomorrow and Bryson's is Monday so we might try and sneak away sometime to celebrate. I never really understood the saying "take it one day at a time", until now. It's so hard to think about tomorrow when you are worried about what's going to happen today. I hope the worst is behind us, but I keep praying that we don't get anymore bad news. It's been a roller coaster ride since he was born so we don't want to get too confident.


  1. We are still praying for him and you everyday. Not a moment goes by that I don't think about what you are going through. I try to keep in touch with Julie R. or Danielle. It is so sad but I'm sure God has a plan for him and it will be a great one. Take care and enjoy the celebrations. Birthdays are special. Doug used to stay with me when he was little. (Bet that's hard to believe--that he was little. LOL) Just wanting you to know that I check the blog everyday. Keep us in touch.

  2. It seems like the worst is behind you, and I hope that things only look up from here - You guys have definitely been on a roller coaster ride! It sounds like he is doing pretty well and gaining strength, and I bet it feels good to be able to comfort him! Thinking of you!!!

  3. He is making progress..defintely celebrate with Doug & Bryson. Remember to take care of YOURSELF!!! you cannot take care of others if you don't!!You are doing a great job!! one day at a's a pretty good way to look at life period!! a not so fun welcome to that philosophy for you guys but we do get caught up in our tomorrow's. Continued prayers..for recovery and caregivers perseverence...aunt sue

  4. There's so nothing as comforting as Mommy when your sick. I'm certain he feels your love as you talk to him to comfort him. Keeping you in my Prayers. Love ya all. Amanda

  5. He looks so great breathing room air!! Such an accomplishment in and of itself. Hope the rollercoster can smooth out, it sucks but taking it one day at a time is the very best plan. Those babies make the rules- a doctor once told us that these babies each write thier own books, it is the doctors job to learn how to read them. Try to keep your spirits up, Drink lots of water and pump like crazy. Hang in there! Also, Kendel can I have your address at CMH, you can facebook it to me if you want, I have something for you guys and know how stressing it can be to have visitors when you just want to spend time with your baby boy and not shuffle people in and out. We continue to think of you guys!

    Brian, Cassi, Angel Elli, and Lillian Grace
