Friday, August 6, 2010


It has been far too long since I have updated everyone, and I apologize. I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who contributed to the benefits held for Brody and/or any contributions made period. It truly amazes me the thoughtfulness and generosity of so many people and the support that we have received throughout these last 6 months. I know I've said it before but I want everyone to know, nothing anyone has done will go unrecognized. There are just far too many people to thank individually for all that you did. For the rest of our lives we will be reminded of what each and every person has done to help the cause. The financial assistance given to us has enabled us to focus on what really matters...Brody. I couldn't imagine having the extra stress, financially, during the times Brody was trying to gain strength. Even though we have no idea what's in store for Brody's future, it's nice to be able to get caught up on medical bills coming at this time. I don't know where we would be without your help, I can't say thank you enough.
As for Brody...everyday is a new struggle. We are still in and out of our pediatricians office for various reasons (mostly just mommy and daddy being paranoid), but for now it seems to be "normal" baby stuff. He continues along the same path as his big brother with milk soy protein intolerance, very bad acid reflux, and most recently chronic ear infections. However, I will take these conditions any day compared to what we could be facing. Developmentally he is doing great! So far he is doing everything he should be for a baby his age (considering prematurity). He is rolling over both directions, loves his johnny jumper, plays with toys in both hands, follows people (with his eyes) across the room, and absolutely LOVES being talked to!! I have posted his most recent pictures and these prove that he is moving along the path to recovery as he should be.
I wanted to mention a story that has touched my heart. I know there is a large amount of people that support us through the blog, that we have never met. This story was extra special to me, and I had to share with everyone. There was a woman that came to our benefit in Omaha. No one knew her but she kept donating money all night. Finally, someone went up and talked to her. It turns out her grandson was born with the same heart condition that Brody had, but unfortunately wasn't as lucky. He was somewhere in Missouri and too far from children's hospital ,and died before he made it here for the help he needed. She drove all the way here to give our family support for the miracle we get to enjoy everyday, and she is unable to do the same. She told my mom she wanted to help our family because she knows what it is like, and what we went through. The thing is...we have no idea what they went through because we still have our son. I never got to meet her before she left so I just wanted to post this and tell her how much that meant to us, and am really sad we couldn't have talked that night. If you read this I would love to talk to you and hear your story.